Center for Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology on Secondary Agriculture (CAAST-NAU)
Establishment of Secondary Agriculture Unit for Skill Development in Students and Farmers at NAU, Navsari
National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi


Surat District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Limited (SUMUL)

About Instittute

SUMUL or Surat Milk Union Limited, which is now renamed as ‘The Surat District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd., is one among the 17 district unions which acts as manufacturing units of dairy products for Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, the marketers of Amul brand of products. This organization is providing year-round milk market for their surplus milk, procure and process milk into good quality milk and milk products at most economically and efficiently. SUMUL also provides essential technical inputs and services to the producers at their door steps in an economic and efficient manner and also in a way most acceptable to them to increase milk production and to reduce the cost of production. 

Visit To Official Page

MOU Inked on


Purpose of the MOU

Skill development, strengthening research and promoting extension activities in the field of Dairy Farming 

Collaborative Activites Under the MOU

Providing resource persons for special lectures, online lectures, curricula development purposes and as adjunct/visiting professors in  various technical programmes/trainings. 

Media of SUMUL Dairy